At, we are committed to respecting copyright and ensuring that all images used on our website are properly sourced and credited. This Images Policy outlines our guidelines for the use of images on our website.

1. Image Sourcing

We strive to use images that are either created by our team, obtained from free image sources, or properly licensed for use. We primarily source our images from reputable free image platforms such as Openverse and Pixabay, where images are offered under Creative Commons licenses or are in the public domain.

2. Attribution

When using images sourced from third-party platforms, we make every effort to provide proper attribution to the original creator or copyright holder. This may include crediting the photographer or artist’s name, providing a link to the original source, or including any required copyright notices.

3. License Compliance

We ensure that all images used on our website comply with the terms of their respective licenses. This includes adhering to any restrictions on image usage, such as non-commercial use only, attribution requirements, or modifications allowed.

4. Original Content

We create original images whenever possible to maintain the uniqueness and authenticity of our content. Our team of designers and photographers work diligently to produce high-quality visuals tailored to the specific needs of our website and audience.

5. Copyright Infringement

We take copyright infringement seriously and promptly address any concerns regarding unauthorized use of copyrighted images. If you believe that we have inadvertently used your copyrighted image without proper permission or attribution, please contact us immediately, and we will take appropriate action to remedy the situation.

6. Reporting Violations

If you believe that an image used on our website violates copyright or licensing agreements, or if you have any questions or concerns about our Images Policy, please contact us at We will investigate the issue promptly and take necessary steps to resolve it.

7. Changes to Images Policy

We reserve the right to update or amend our Images Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to this policy will be reflected on this page.